Critical Literacies and Awareness in Education (CLAE) project
We live in an exciting world. A world full of endless opportunities, constant suggestions, global openness, but also a world full of fake news, persistent rumours and beliefs rather than evidence-based information. For all this, critical thinking is considered today as an urgent need and a fundamental common good.
Developing critical thinking is not just about mastering content. Learning to be a critical thinker (and actor) cannot be confused with the simple mastery of a methodological approach either. Critical thinking involves the use of a combination of both skills and attitudes, and is connected to “deep learning”. In the second phase of CLAE project “Thinking critically together” (2019-2022), teachers and researchers together will examine more particularly the role played by metacognition and dialogic teaching practices in the development of criticality among pupils (10-15 years).
Upcoming Events
Open Conference, “Kritisk tenkning i skolen”, Bryne
3.-4. November 2022 Norway
Open Conference, “Critical thinking and citizenship”, Valencia
20. October 2022 Spain
Conference, “Extreme thinking, critical thinking: Challenges of education”, Paris
7. October 2022 France
International Workshop Dunkerque
4.-6. October 2022 France
International Conference Stavanger
7.-9. June 2022 Norway
International Conference Valencia
4.-6. April 2022 Spain
National Workshops (Stavanger, Dunkerque, Valencia)